Gaining buy-in for innovative learning design

As a learning professional, you know the value of using innovative learning design to engage and educate adult learners. But when it comes to implementing new and emerging technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), it can be challenging to gain buy-in from stakeholders.

In this article, we’ll explore some strategies for gaining buy-in for innovative learning design, with a focus on using AR and VR to enhance the adult learning experience.

First, it’s important to understand the motivations and concerns of the stakeholders you’re trying to persuade. This might include decision-makers, learners, and other stakeholders who have a say in the learning design process. Some common concerns that might arise when introducing new technologies like AR and VR include budget constraints, a lack of understanding of the technology, and a fear of change.

One effective strategy for addressing these concerns is to conduct a needs assessment to identify the specific learning needs of your adult learners and how AR and VR can address them. This could involve gathering feedback from learners, examining data on learning outcomes, and researching best practices in the field. By demonstrating the value and effectiveness of AR and VR in meeting the learning needs of your adult learners, you can help build support for their use in your learning design.

Another key strategy for gaining buy-in for innovative learning design

Is to provide examples of successful implementations of AR and VR in adult learning. This could include case studies, research reports, and testimonials from learners who have experienced the benefits of using these technologies. Be sure to check out other Mindsed articles to find successful examples of VR and AR implementations.

By demonstrating the success of AR and VR in other learning environments, you can help to build confidence in their potential to enhance the learning experience for your adult learners.

Finally, it can be helpful to involve stakeholders in the design process and provide opportunities for them to experience AR and VR for themselves. This could involve hosting demonstrations, workshops, or pilot programs that allow stakeholders to see firsthand the potential of these technologies.

By giving stakeholders a chance to experience AR and VR for themselves, you can help to build a sense of ownership and buy-in for their use in your learning design.

In conclusion:

Gaining buy-in for innovative learning design can be challenging, but it is possible with the right strategies and approaches.

By conducting a needs assessment, providing examples of successful implementations, and involving stakeholders in the design
process, you can help to build support for the use of AR and VR in your adult learning programs. By leveraging these powerful technologies, you can create more engaging and effective learning experiences for your adult learners.

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