3 Popular areas in training that are seeing the most success with VR technology

3 Popular areas in training that are success with VR

Virtual reality (VR) technology is increasingly used in the training and development sector to enhance employee learning and engagement. According to a recent International Data Corporation report, the global VR training market is expected to reach $9.5 billion by 2024.

In this blog article, we will explore three popular training areas that are most benefiting from VR technology.

1. Simulations and Scenarios:

VR allows companies to create virtual simulations and scenarios that will enable employees to practice and apply their skills in a controlled environment without the risk of failure or negative consequences.

For example, a healthcare company might use VR to train its employees on properly administering medication. In contrast, a manufacturing company might use VR to train its employees to operate machinery safely.

2. Onboarding and Orientation

VR can introduce new employees to the company, its culture, and its policies interactively and engagingly. This can be especially useful for large companies with multiple locations, as it allows new employees to learn about the company without traveling to a central location.

3. Soft Skills Training

VR can also train employees on soft skills such as leadership, communication, and conflict resolution. A Virtual Reality Medical Institute study found that VR can be an effective tool for training soft skills, with 78% of respondents reporting an increase in self-confidence after using VR for training. VR allows employees to practice and receive feedback on these skills in a safe and supportive environment, which can help improve their workplace performance.


In conclusion,

VR is becoming an increasingly popular and effective tool for training and development in various areas. With its ability to create immersive and interactive learning experiences, VR can increase material retention, motivation, and engagement among employees.

If you’re interested in using VR in your training programs, many resources are available to help you get started, including VR training platforms and instructional materials such as Mindsed. Take advantage of the opportunity to improve employee learning and development with VR technology.

Overall, the use of VR in training and development is on the rise, with more and more companies recognizing its potential to enhance employee learning and engagement.

Whether you’re looking to create simulations and scenarios, facilitate onboarding and orientation, or train on soft skills, VR can be a valuable tool to help your organization achieve its training and development goals.

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